
I have been using Happy Mutant CBD products for the last 8 months and have nothing but great things to say about the CBD products. I have suffered lots of injuries throughout my long powerlifting career, all of which have left me with some annoying aches and pains. I use the recovery balm before every workout. What I really like about it is that it penetrates whatever area that is bothering me and it stays working even days later I have felt the difference from the balm. It can also be used on a daily basis for any kind of aches or pain. I have noticed it has helped me heal up some older skin scars of mine as well. The CBD oil comes in a liquid or pill form which you can take daily to help treat over all wellness such as inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, depression and much more! Me personally I have to take a minimum of 75mg of the CBD oil to really notice any effects. I generally take it at 100mg a night keeps me feeling refreshed. I get a great night of sleep any minor aches or pains are pretty much alleviated from taking the CBD oil. It has really helped in my recovery and letting me push the envelope in my powerlifting career. I would highly recommend these products to any sports athlete!
Ernie Lilliebridge Jr
Currently #1 in the world in the 198lbs raw with wraps weight class and also #1 highest ranked raw total in the world with a 2,028lbs total @198. Also holds the 198 world record squat raw with wraps of 810lbs/367.5kg also Currently nationally ranked #2 in the 220lbs raw with wraps weight class and also 8th highest ranked raw total in the world with wraps in the 220 weight class with a 2000lbs total.
For the last 3 nights I have taken some new supplements from Happy Mutant Nutritionals. I started using the CBD 10mg soft gels and I have had incredible results. I personally have issues with joint pain and swelling from 11 years of gymnastics and 8 knee surgeries on my right knee. I am also currently an elite level Olympic weightlifter so I am constantly putting strain on my joints. And even though I have some pain I prefer not to take anti inflammatory drugs because they upset my stomach. Along with the high impact training I am a night shift nurse and have to sleep during the day. Now that my body is used to sleeping during the day except now I struggle with sleeping at night waking up multiple times and not ever really getting into a deep sleep. Again I don’t want to take an over the counter medications to help with sleep. Since taking these soft gels I have slept 3 full nights without waking up. Along with that I am waking up feeling completely rested with no joint pain. The result are amazing and I plan to continue using this product. I love that it is a natural alternative and that all of the products are thoroughly tested before use.
Rachel Bennett
45kg USAW Weightlifter Team AMP